Dr Glenys Quartey-Irwin BSc (Hons), MBBS, MRCGP (2018), DRCOG, DFSRH, BMS & FSRH Advanced Certificate in Menopause Care

GP & Menopause Specialist

Dr Glenys is an approachable and empathetic GP with a special interest in Community Gynaecology (GPSI) and is also a Menopause Specialist accredited by the British Menopause Society.

After obtaining both her Medical Degree and BSc (Hons) in Medical Ethics & Law at King’s College London, she completed her junior doctor training at Hinchingbrooke and Papworth Hospitals followed by GP specialty training in Cambridge.

She then completed a post-CCT fellowship in Community Gynaecology at Cambridge University Hospital. During this time, she obtained further knowledge, skills and competencies to develop her specialisms in Community Gynaecology and Menopause management.

Her long-standing passion for women’s health paved the way to developing a specialist menopause clinic in called EveryWoman Health which provides evidence-based, holistic and individualised menopause care. Her services also include comprehensive breast health checks and private cervical screening.

When she is not at work, she enjoys family-life with her husband and two energetic small children and loves to travel around the world learning about different cultures and trying new cuisines.

She will be joining us in May 2024 and her appointments can be booked directly via the EveryWoman Health website: www.everywomanhealth.co.uk

General Enquiries: hello@everywomanhealth.co.uk